
At least…

… someone is using my kitchen! The kids decided to take matters into their own hands and make themselves a big batch of cookies. They chose to make cookies with coconut, white chocolate chips, and milk chocolate chips. They used this recipe and just substituted 1/2 cup of chocolate chips for white chocolate chips and omitted the almonds. They cranked up the pop music (sigh, the things we do for our children) and got ready to bake while I snapped a few pictures. They ended the afternoon by eating a freshly baked cookie while doing homework. The cookies look amazing and the whole family tells me they are extra delicious – probably because the kids put so much love into them!

A quick note to say THANK YOU for all of the wonderful e-mails and comments you have sent my way. I am so thankful for all of your positive thoughts and kind words. I have been getting my back and muscles worked on a lot this week and I am hoping to start feeling better soon.  

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  1. How neat! They did a terrific job of working together! Those cookies look perfect! You must have been proud! Now … a question. Did they do as good a job at cleaning up after all the cooking fun? That was always my mom’s bugaboo whenever I baked as a kid.

    As for your back, I sure hope the back therapy is working well! Get well soon!

  2. Oh my gosh….how precious are your children, Pam? They are SO adorable! You have taught them well, Mom! I am so glad your back is feeling somewhat better and you are on the mend. I am sending virtual hugs your way, and hoping you are able to get back n the kitchen cooking up amazing recipes soon!

  3. Those cookies look yummy and your cute kids did a great job! I hope you will get your wish to do some cooking this weekend! I can identify with your immobility though. That was my lot last Spring. Very painful! Get better quickly!

  4. What a darling post! I was so sorry to see you have hurt your back!!! Back injuries are very touchy. Stay down…and get better!!!
    I have been sick all week, and am behind on blogging. But this one of your kids in the kitchen sure tickled me!!!!!

  5. These pics are so cute! I loved helping people bake when I was a kid too. đŸ™‚
    I hope your back is feeling better than it was.

  6. They look so yummy. My 9 year old loves to bake. I can’t say she’s that tidy though, and she certainly wouldn’t sit there and do her homework! She’d be too busy licking bowls and spoons.

  7. “but I am on my way back to normal” I hate to break it to ya, but you were never normal! (ha ha, just kidding, laughter is the best medicine!)
    WOW! You just barely missed me with that cast iron pan you threw at me…you must be feeling better đŸ™‚

  8. Your daughter’s “scrutinizing” pose is priceless.
    Three cheers for raising kids who know their way around the kitchen!

  9. I loved all of these photos, and I am listening to pop music right now… haha. I love that they are so focused and serious about getting those cookies right. Sending more healing vibes!

  10. ouch, sorry about your back!
    your little helpers have gotten so big
    gosh i remember when they were just wee ones!!
    (have we been blogging that long now?)
    feel better!!
    (sorry i’m always m.i.a)