I am Back…

We just got back from a fun trip to Central Oregon to camp with my husband’s mother, stepfather, and brothers. We visited a couple of museums, viewed the amazing fossil beds, played lots of games, ate great food, and spent quality time catching up with each other. It was a quick but wonderful weekend.  I’ll be back to cooking tomorrow, in the meantime, here are a few photos from our trip.

Cathedral Rock


A new friend


John Day Fossil Beds


James Cant Ranch


My boy & dog playing by the river


Working on a sewing project with Grandma


Game time!




Tree of Shoes


Heading home


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  1. Welcome back – I’m always amazed at the impact the Cascades have on the climate and flora of the coast verses central OR & WA. I believe you married into a tall family.

  2. It’s great that you’re so near that you can escape to spend a few days at a time with family. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. I notice that your daughter didn’t find yet another Brutus to visit!

  3. Welcome back! Lovely pictures – it looks like you and your family had a wonderful time. My son and daughter-in-law were married outside in Cathedral Park two years ago in August on a beautiful day. Being that there is so much Celtic heritage in both families, my son and his wife had their wedding feast in a pub called Kells in Portland. šŸ™‚