I am back… almost

I hope you all had a wonderful & delicious Thanksgiving.

We just got back from spending the holiday with my family in Idaho. We had a wonderful & silly time together. I had so much fun cooking with my mom & sisters and my brother in law made us a delicious smoked turkey and juicy prime rib.We were able to spend quality time with my family, visit with dear friends, and went to my sister and brother in law’s amazing tailgating party. They seriously have the most incredible set up. They host over 100 people, they have 14 tents, three flatscreens, a HUGE assortment of smoked meat on their massive smoker, two huge tables of food, a kegerator on wheels that will deliver beer refills, a living room area with a blowup couch and firepit. We had a fantastic time with friends and met a ton of people. My sister and brother sure know how to host a gathering! We got home late last night and today I conquered a huge pile of laundry and put Christmas decorations up. Phew! I’ll be back to cooking tomorrow.

Thanksgiving with my family


Dinner out with our amazing friends


My silly, funny, awesome family


What a set up!


Good grub


Fun times





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  1. So pleased that you are almost back :-)) Looks like you have had a great time away with the family. Lovely photos. Take care and have a good week Diane

  2. Wow! And I thought our Thanksgiving with 22 people was a lot, lol. Looks like you had a great time Pam. Glad you had a wonderful time with your family. We had fun also, spent it down south and it was fun meeting up with family and friends we hadn’t seen in a while. I’ve been catching up on all your yummy recipes and can’t wait to try a few. Have a great week šŸ™‚

  3. Cool that you had a wonderful time. That’s obvious from the photos. It takes a bit of time to get back into the routine of real life and then you add the unpacking and extra laundry in—-and it can be overwhelming.