Back from our Road Trip
We are back from our road trip to Idaho. What a whirlwind of activity over the past 11 days and we are so exhausted! Some of the highlights from our trip include, finally visiting the Idaho Botanical Garden, spending quality time at the lake with my sister and her family, having dinner with two of our best pals & a beer with another old friend, meeting up with my in-laws for lunch, visiting the Wood River Valley – Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, Elkhorn, and Sun Valley – which is where I grew up, spending time with one of my best friends, eating dinner at three of my favorite restaurants in Idaho, camping with family and friends in the mountains, checking out the most beautiful cars at the Ketchum Cruise and Car Show, and witnessing the amazing Sun Valley Road Rally. You can imagine how cool it was to see a Bugatti Veyron Vitesse race by us at 230 mph! Our last day in town was cut short because my poor son woke up with the stomach flu. On the way home, our day got more interesting when we blew a tire on a busy freeway, in our motor home. My husband stayed cool, calm, and collected while he changed the tire, which kept the rest of us calm too. He had us fixed and back on the road in about 30 minutes… what a guy!! It was a very long day but we were thankful to arrive home safe and sound. I am neck-deep in dirty laundry today (only a slight exaggeration), but will be back to cooking new recipes soon.
On another note, thank you all for bearing with me while my new website is being designed. It should be up and running very soon! I’ll keep you posted.