Crispy Hash Browns
These crispy hash browns are extra-crunchy on the outside and perfectly cooked on the inside.
My family loves extra crispy hash browns and I’ve finally found the best way to cook them. The key is to remove as much liquid from the potatoes as possible before cooking them. I also think using a well-seasoned cast iron skillet gives them such a nice crispy outer layer. I have found that fresh onion and garlic tend to char with this cooking method so I just season the potatoes with onion and garlic powder along with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper instead. These crispy hash browns pair nicely with almost any breakfast main, such as eggs and pancakes and we all love them.
How to Make Crispy Hash Browns
Grate the potatoes with the large side of a cheese grater then transfer them to a bowl lined with cheesecloth.
Wrap the cheesecloth tightly around the potatoes and squeeze it as tightly as possible to wring out as much liquid from them as you can. I removed nearly 1/4 cup of liquid! Side Note: You can also use several paper towels (or a tea towel but the potato liquid may stain the fabric).
Sprinkle the shredded potatoes with onion powder and garlic powder then stir to combine.
Heat a 10-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat. Once the skillet is hot, add 1 tablespoon of oil (or bacon grease) and 1 tablespoon of butter. Once it has melted, add the potatoes and spread them out into an even layer with a rubber spatula, pressing down firmly, until it’s about 1/3 inch thick.
Cook, undisturbed for 6-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Side Note: If the potatoes are browning too quickly, reduce the heat.
Season the potatoes with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste. Using a pizza cutter, slice the potatoes into two halves or four quarters then carefully flip the potatoes over and press them firmly into the cast iron skillet. Season the crispy side with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste.
Add the remaining oil (or bacon grease) and butter around the edges and slices of the potatoes so they melt down and help the other side become crispy and golden brown. Cook, undisturbed, for 6-7 minutes, or until golden brown.
Top with freshly snipped chives and serve immediately. Enjoy.
So golden brown and crispy!
They look awesome and I can imagine a wedge on my plate topped with a runny yolked egg.
Oh you. Wonderful treat.
Okay officially having the BIGGEST hash brown craving after reading this. The crisp on these is perfection.
It’s so yummy and tasty. That’s so delicious much.
They appear delectable, and I can envision a wedge crowned with an egg that is still runny on my plate.